Michelle Mudge-Riley, MD, an expert in helping physicians transition to nonclinical careers and owner of PhysiciansHelpingPhysicians, has assembled a group of career experts for a virtual conference this July. Michelle held a similar conference last year, in person, which was very successful. This year, given the scourge of COVID-19, the conference will be virtual.
John Jurica, MD, will lead off with an overview of nonclinical career options, followed by discussions on the pros and cons of hiring a coach as well as strategies to achieve a nonclinical career goal. The virtual meeting will also include networking time.
Not too long ago, I had the opportunity to appear on Michelle's PhysiciansHelpingPhysicians Podcast to discuss locum tenens and my new book, "The Locum Life: A Physician's Guide to Locum Tenens." We had a great discussion, and it was a lot of fun.
Given that many of us are experiencing increased stress while dealing with COVID-19, this conference may be an instructive and productive diversion! It may also stimulate some ideas regarding profitable side-gigs or a switch to a nonclinical career.
The conference program is available here: https://www.phphysicians.com/julyscheduleandregistration/