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"In the End," A Novel by Michael Weisberg, MD

Many thanks to my friend Michael Weisberg, MD, for joining me on Episode #14 of “The Art of Medicine with Dr. Andrew Wilner.” Dr. Weisberg is a full-time gastroenterologist working in Plano, TX, but somehow finds time to write. On today’s program, we discuss his second novel, "In the End."A couple of years ago, I interviewed Mike about his first novel, "The Hospitalist," on

During our discussion, Dr. Weisberg despaired over the ravages of COVID-19 and how proper leadership might have prevented them. He also informs us about colonoscopy, why it’s performed, and how this technology has provided him a unique perspective into the nature of human beings.

Dr. Weisberg’s first novel, "The Hospitalist," had a lot to say about the changes in the patient/doctor relationship that resulted from the hospitalist movement. In his new novel, "In the End," he confronts even weightier subjects such as race, religion, and, ultimately, the meaning of life. 

Please join us for this 20-minute fascinating interview.

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