Many thanks to Psychiatric Times for giving me the opportunity to discuss locum tenens. Locums is an "anti-burnout" formula because one is self-employed and can work as much or as little as one desires. Locums is even popular among psychiatrists. The flexibility of locums can lead to that elusive goal for many physicians, work-life balance.
Please let me take this opportunity to mention that my book, "The Locum Life: A Physician's Guide to Locum Tenens," is now available as an audiobook. This is the one and only full-length audiobook on locums.
If you would like a free copy, just contact me through my website and I'll send you a download code. The catch? Just write an honest and thoughtful review of at least 2 sentences for Amazon or Audible.
Check out my website for many free resources on locums as well as a link to buy the print edition at a discount direct from the publisher.
Thanks for reading and watching!