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A psychiatrisT Listens and writes

Thanks to Ronald Pies, MD, psychiatrist, author of eight books, and occasional writing collaborator with me on, for appearing on "The Art of Medicine with Dr. Andrew Wilner." This interview was an excellent opportunity to learn more about Ron and how he balances his writing and medical careers.

Please join us for this 20-minute interview where Dr. Pies explains how writing has complemented his career as a practicing psychiatrist. He shares examples of other physician writers, such as the playwright Anton Checkov and poet William Carlos Williams. Dr. Pies discusses how fiction writing can lead to increased empathy and enhance the doctor-patient relationship.

Ron has also contributed for many years to, where many of his articles (and a few of mine) can be found. Ron is an "old school" physician-scholar and not much into social media.

To find his books, check out

Here are three of his thought-provoking titles:

1. Everything Has Two Handles: The Stoic's Guide to the Art of Living

2. The Three-Petalled Rose: How the Synthesis of Judaism, Buddhism, and Stoicism Can Create a Healthy, Fulfilled and Flourishing Life

3. Becoming a Mensch: Timeless Talmudic Ethics for Everyone

I look forward to interviewing Dr. Pies again after the publication of his next book!

Thanks again to CompHealth, the first locum tenens company, for sponsoring this program! If you are interested in trying locum tenens, please go to

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Just for fun, you can also share my scuba diving adventures on YouTube: "Underwater with Dr. Andrew."

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