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New Brain Nucleus Discovered

Writer's picture: anwilneranwilner

One of my favorite "side gigs" is working as a radio host for ReachMD. It's a great platform that reaches over 3 million listeners.

I recently had the opportunity to interview George Paxinos, Ph.D., perhaps the world's foremost brain cartographer. Dr. Paxinos is Professor of Psychology and Medical Sciences at the Neuroscience Research Australia Institute of the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. He trained at McGill University a few years before I arrived for my neurology residency and epilepsy fellowship.

Dr. Paxinos studied under the shadow of the renowned neurosurgeon Wilder Penfield. In his work as a brain cartographer, Dr. Paxinos discovered a new brain structure, the endorestiform nucleus. The function of this pea-sized structure is still unknown.

Dr. Paxinos describes how he discovered the endorestiform nucleus during our 15-minute interview. It's a great story. If you have a chance to listen, please leave your comments below. Thanks!

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