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  • Writer's pictureanwilner

Another Great Podcast!

John Jurica, MD, posted Part II of our interview for his terrific site, "The Vital Physician Executive."You can listen to it here. John and I discussed how locum tenens helped me discover my true passion (neurology), support myself while writing, explore Southeast Asia, feel appreciation as a clinician at my locums assignments, and ultimately help me land a great full-time academic neurology position! We also discussed some of the downsides of the locum life, including repeatedly submitting time-consuming medical license and hospital credential applications.

Dr. Jurica is a family physician and hospital administrator with a special interest in helping physicians explore and develop nonclinical careers. For his regular series of podcasts (76 and counting!), John researches his subjects thoroughly, posts great show notes, and is a wonderful host. Thanks John!

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